Сходознавчий гурток відкриває набір учасників на міжкультурний проект у дельті Дунаю - об'єкті світової спадщини ЮНЕСКО.

The project "S.T.O.R.Y - Youth Visions of a Future Cosmopolitan Society at the Black Sea" is about exploring cultural #diversity through #storytelling.

The activities will include role-play sessions, photography hacks, film screenings, and city tours on bicycles, intercultural nights, cooking, and sailings on the #Sulina Branch in the #DanubeDelta and #BlackSea expeditions by boat!

5-12 September 2022
Sulina, Romania
Participating countries: Moldova, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine

Profile of participants:
- background in arts & culture, humanities, cultural workers and researchers;
- 18-30 years old (no age limit for the group leader);
- at least an intermediate level of English;
- interest in intercultural dialogue and nature;
- readiness to travel during the war.

Ви можете брати участь у проекті, якщо через воєнні дії перебуваєте на території будь-якої країни Європи або готові подорожувати з України.

All information about the project you can find in the Infopack: https://bit.ly/3Ow3lTS

The project is fully funded by the European Commission. No participation fee is required! Travel, accommodation, meals, and study materials are included.

Co-organizer of the project: The Oriental Studies Circle

Deadline: August 5.

Application form: https://forms.gle/6yw97WTbSMgCobWZ6

For more information, feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Джерело: https://fb.watch/eviEoFGwZG/?mibextid=GQ1ERd