The CEPOL Research and Science Conferences aim to convene practitioners, trainers and educators in policing and other areas of law enforcement, with researchers and academic scholars from Europe and the international sphere since 2003.
The conference is aiming at the participation of practitioners from European law enforcement forces and institutions, as well as affiliated postgraduate researchers and academic scholars.

CEPOL, the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training is pleased to invite research-based papers for presentation at the next CEPOL European Research & Science Conference, organised in cooperation with Mykolas Romeris University of Lithuania.
Concerned specifically with the learning of law enforcement officials in Europe and with the transfer of scientific, evidence- and research-based insights and findings from the academic to the professional sphere, CEPOL invites contributions to its conference-event based on empirical studies on a variety of aspects and topics of policing and enforcing the law in the Digital Age.

The conference language is English. There is no conference fee, but prior registration and acceptance by the organisers is obligatory.
The event is foreseen to be realised in a hybrid format: on-site at the premises of the university in Vilnius for those who are able to travel and would like to enjoy the networking opportunities of "real-life" encounters as well as online for those, who can participate only remotely.
