Svitlana Cherednyk, a lecturer of subdivision of philological disciplines of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and the Head of the scientific circle “Implementation of the communicative, culturological, thought-creating function of language” held a scientific circle.

The issues of involving students in research activities, participation in research projects, scientific and practical events and competitions, creating conditions for creative growth in the learning process and mastering the profession were discussed. The results of research on “Interaction of language and culture” were also discussed. There was a lot of discussion about the creative works of the participants of the first stage of the 1st International (VII All-Ukrainian, XVII All-Crimean) Maria Fischer-Slyzh festival-competition of pupil and student art “Let’s fight for a new life!”, which took place at the college and was dedicated to Lesia Ukrainka.

Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs