Oleksandr Khan, Candidate of Law, Chairman of the Scientific Society of Students, Cadets, Postgraduates, Adjuncts, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists of the University, Volodymyr Chumak, Head of the Department of Scientific Work Organization, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor and Serhii Hirenko, Deputy Dean of the Faculty № 2 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor held a lecture for cadets of the faculty №2 on compliance with the rules of academic integrity.

The cadets were informed about the requirements of the Regulations on Academic Integrity in KhNUIA and the University Code of Ethics. In particular, the main types of violations of academic integrity in the scientific field were clarified. These include academic plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification and fabrication in the writing of monographs, scientific articles, abstracts for conferences, as well as the rules of plagiarism testing and the availability of inspection reports in the Unicheck program. The participants also drew attention to the possibility of publishing their research results in scientific conferences, seminars, round tables held Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, in particular in the annual XXVIII scientific-practical conference of cadets and students "Modern Science Law Enforcement", which will be held in May this year.