For the World Book and Copyright Day, which is celebrated annually around the world on April 23, the library of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs presents a book-illustrative exhibition "Book: the discovery of knowledge in the world."

The book is a boundless ocean of knowledge of the universe. With books, we discover the versatility and diversity of life. It is through reading that it is possible to open the veil of the future, to understand the beauty of the present and to comprehend the wisdom of the past…

This day is designed to emphasize the fundamental importance of the book and its indispensability in the information society. One of its main goals is to promote reading and book publishing, to draw attention to the culture of the written word, as well as to issues of copyright and intellectual property protection. In addition, it is a celebration of authors, publishers, critics, librarians, readers and everyone who loves and understands the meaning and value of the Book.

The library congratulates the university community on the holiday and invites you to visit the exhibition.