An online meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines of Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs “Topical issues of the national economic development in the context of globalization” took place.

The head of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Olena Lukianykhina held a conversation on “Preparation of a scientific report: principles of academic integrity, resources, methods of information retrieval”. Olena Anatoliivna acquainted the audience with the essence of academic integrity in general, which presupposes the observance of its principles by pedagogical, academic and scientific staff and applicants for higher education.

The speaker focused on the main types of violations of academic integrity and types of liability of higher education seekers for its violations. The participants were acquainted with the main documents of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, which contain policies, standards and procedures for academic integrity.

The second part of the report was devoted to the main approaches to the preparation of a scientific report. Olena Anatoliivna emphasized the need to observe proper behavior by higher education applicants both within the educational process and scientific activity, acquainted the audience with the main scientific resources and methods of searching for information to prepare a scientific report.

The report was extremely useful and relevant, and the prepared slides provided structuring and clarity of perception of information. Students listened with interest to the report and expressed a desire to continue working together in meetings on modern tools for preparing scientific reports.

The meeting of the group was held by video conference on the Zoom platform for video meetings.