During the week, the cycle commission for aircraft maintenance of Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted Olympiads and wall-paper competitions. The results of this work have been summed up and the winners have been determined.

In the discipline “Biology and Ecology” among first-year students and cadets (lecturers Valentina Syvolozhska, Tetiana Kozlovska) the winners were the following cadets:

First place - Margaryta Kaptsevych;

Second place - Maksym Riabukha;

Third place - Volodymyr Chumak.

In the discipline “Corrosion of materials” among the cadets of the 4th year (lecturers Valentyna Syvolozhska, Olena Davitaia) prizes were taken by:

First place - Tetiana Shlikhar;

Second place - Maksym Nechitailo;

Third place - Karyna Myrhorodska.

In the competition of wall-papers “STOP smoking, alcohol, drugs”, “Viruses and the person” the following cadets became winners:

First place - Daniil Komarenko, Mykhailo Burnazov;

Second place - Margaryta Kaptsevych;

Third place - Tatiana Kochura, Kateryna Patalakh, Daryna Fomina; Bohdan Tsegelnyk.

The awarding of winners will take place after the completion of remote learning, introduced for the period of adaptive quarantine.


Kremenchuk Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs