Specialist of the Department of International Cooperation, Alona Subocheva took part in the international scientific conference ''Massacre of Babyn Yar. 80 years later''. The event was organized by MEIS,  the Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah and the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center.
Together with other participants of the conference, an employee of KhNUIA was able to listen to speeches by both domestic and foreign researchers and scientists specializing in the history of Judaism in the XX century.  In particular, Lutz Klinkhammer, deputy director of the German Historical Institute in Rome, who, in
his report ''Who are Einsatzgruppen ?'' told them exactly what these associations are, for what purpose they were created and from whom they consisted.
Because of the speech of Andrii Umanskyi, Ukrainian historian and lawyer, Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council of the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center, the participants of this conference were able to get in-depth information about the horrific crimes that took place in Babyn Yar.
Antonella Salomoni, a professor at the University of Bologna, emphasized the importance of further development and preservation of Babyn Yar as a place that should serve as a bitter symbol of the crimes and tragedies of the last century for both modern and future generations.
PR Department of KhNUIA