Participants of the School of Scientific Leadership - 2nd-year cadets of the faculty № 1 of KhNUIA Kristina Morhai and Yuliia Patsora, took part in the webinar "How to implement the principles of good governance in Ukrainian communities and involve citizens?"

The participants of the webinar considered various problems of the Ukrainian community and ways to solve them, namely: what obstacles hinder the implementation of good governance; what trends and solutions in the field of good governance already exist in Ukraine and the world; current local cases of innovative solutions and changes that are already being launched in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Speakers of the event were: Coordinator of the E-Democracy Component of the Swiss-Ukrainian EGAP programme (Eastern Europe Foundation) Serhii Karelin and Chairman of the NGO "Center for Civil Initiatives "DONBAS", Deputy of the Slavic City Council, winner of the Hack for Locals competition (Kharkiv, 2019) Olha Altunina.