Vitalii Naida, the Head of the School of Scientific Leadership of the Faculty No. 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part in the international interactive online event Civil Match Forum, dedicated to the expanding of cooperation with civil society in the countries of Eastern Partnership.

The event took place on the Hopin platform, which allowed to ensure constant interaction of participants in the format of private dialogues, messages, general sessions. The session topics covered the issue of perception of the quarantine impact on public activity and the pressure of digitization on the educational and cultural spheres. Participants had the opportunity to reflect on how cooperation with civil society has changed during quarantine.

The format of the event is unique, because it allows you to easily communicate with representatives of partner civil organizations for hundreds of kilometers. During the Forum, the School of Scientific Leadership agreed on cooperation with organizations from Moldova, Belarus, Georgia and Germany and approved joint online meetings in the future.

Department of Public Relations of KhNUIA