Deputy Head of the School of Scientific Leadership the 2nd year cadet of the Faculty №1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Mykyta Bielievtsov as
the leader of the Ukrainian team took part in the international youth exchange in Bulgaria (Smolyana) within the framework of the Erasmus + program of the
European Union. Participants of the event - representatives of Ukraine, Romania, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bulgaria - attended a course of lectures on "Say NO to
discrimination", exchanged cultural experiences on evenings of cultural exchange, visited outstanding architectural monuments. Ukraine was represented by four
participants from different cities and educational institutions who had previously been selected and interviewed in a foreign language.
The Bulgarian NGO  «C:Е:Т Platform» conducted the project. The aim of the project is to raise the awareness of young people, in particular, to combat various forms of
discrimination, as well as the formation of knowledge and skills in teamwork, project management and critical thinking.
During the international exchange, the participants developed their own social projects to combat discrimination The Ukrainian team presented the project «5 day challenge #irRACEonal». It envisages that young people aged 15-30 will have the opportunity to listen to online lectures, take part in online events on social networks Instagram and Tik-Tok, and join charitable support for anti-discrimination measures in Ukraine.