The coronavirus pandemic has made significant adjustments to our lives. There are certain behavioral restrictions that we must adhere to. However, in this situation, some advantages should be used. For example, to do a favorite thing for which there was always not enough time, or sports. Specialists of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs have prepared various sets of physical exercises to maintain good physical shape, improve skills in futsal, volleyball, basketball, and boxing. So, let's move more with pleasure, and no diseases will interfere with our plans!

Exercises for different muscle groups to maintain good physical shape

Warm-up before training KhNUIA

Complex of exercises No.1 KhNUIA

Complex of exercises No.2 KhNUIA

Complex of exercises No.3 KhNUIA

Complex of exercises No.4 KhNUIA

Complex of exercises No.5 KhNUIA

Complex of exercises No.6 KhNUIA

Complex of exercises No.7 KhNUIA

Complex of exercises No.8 KhNUIA

Complex of exercises No.9 KhNUIA

Exercises to practice the technique of working with a ball of futsal, volleyball and basketball

Let's train together!

Exercises for practicing the technique of working with the ball

Exercises to practice the technique of playing ball in basketball

Exercises to practice receiving and passing the ball in volleyball

Video classes on self-defense

Video lessons No.1 "Stands and movement"

Video lesson No.2 "Direct hand strikes and protection"

Video lesson No.3 "Side punches and protection"

Video lesson No.4 “Bottom hand strikes and defense”

Video lesson No.5 "Kicks to the side of the thigh and protection"

Video lesson No.6 "Kicks in the side of the torso and defense"

Video lesson No.7 "Kicks right to the torso and defense"

Video lesson No.8 "Combination of hand strikes and protection against them"

Fitness videos

Exercise No.1 for leg muscles

Exercise No.2 for the abdominal muscles

Exercise No.3 for the back muscles